London band NeonFly were next on stage, and they definitely did not disappoint anyone’s
expectations. Their lead singer, Willy Norton was very enthusiastic about his
performance and his vocals matched this. NeonFly’s harmonic influences create a
very unique-sounding metal band, and the fast-paced riffs match this perfectly.
Their bassist, Paul Miller, is very talented and his fast playing-style is very
impressive. NeonFly’s incredible live performance proved that metal can still
be unique and exciting, and that metal will never truly die. Their album,
‘Outshine The Sun’ is a very exceptional album, which will hopefully get them
far in the music scene.
soon as The Morning After arrived on stage, it was immediately apparent that
they had glam metal influences and that they were going to really rock Rugby.
The lead singer, Sam Ryder, has an incredibly melodic voice, which appeals to
not only those who love metal, but also those who like the lighter side of
rock. He managed to engage the crowd with the performance, even getting a
member of the audience to hold his guitar for him. Every song sounded
different, adding to their unique style and everyone in the crowd were moving
along to the music. The catchy chorus of ‘America’ was an instant
crowd-pleaser; ‘I couldn’t forget you if I tried’ was an appropriate lyric, as
they are an incredible live band who gave an unforgettable performance. The
Morning After have raised the standard of the bands who perform at The Vault,
helping to put Rugby on the scene for amazing live music. And I was definitely
still singing the songs the morning after seeing them!