Sunday, 18 May 2014

Why metal elitism needs to stop – now!

As a female metal music fan, I’m often quizzed about what bands I like. Understandably it’s a harmless question, however, many people don’t just want to know who you like: they want you to prove that you actually like them by naming albums and members, as if you’re a poser wearing a band shirt from Primark. Although pretending to like bands is ridiculous, many metal fans are too sceptical of others’ music tastes and act as though what other people like affect them.

As well as being sceptical, many metal fans also don’t believe that if you like metal you should listen to other genres. Personally, as someone who listens to lots of different genres of music, I’m often criticised for listening to things that ‘aren’t metal’. This new wave of criticism is something which is giving metal fans a bad name and becoming too judgemental. If someone who listens to Slayer also listens to Rihanna will the world explode? No - which for a fact is definitely true as that someone is me. Only listening to one genre of music is fine if it is your own personal choice, but judging someone for experimenting and having an open mind is not.

Making those who listen to the so-called ‘weaker’ or ‘less heavy’ genres of metal feel insignificant is something which people should feel ashamed about. One key example of this is metalcore: many metalcore fans are insulted because of the music they listen to, which makes no sense. If someone is happy listening to something then why should it concern anyone else? They aren’t forcing you listen to it or like it, so what is the problem? Not agreeing with what people like because it’s ‘not metal’ is a ridiculous concept and should not exist.

Music is something which is meant to unite people and make them feel better, and judging people for their music taste is something that needs to stop. Bullying people in any way, shape or form is unacceptable and is part of the reason why the younger generation receives so much hate in the press. If you’re one of the few metal fans or even just music fans who insult people on the basis of what they listen to then you need to re-evaluate your priorities in life. Maybe even try turning that hate into a song… 

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